The Filmcafé in Utrecht is a movie theater, a club, and a jazzcafé all-in-one.
About the Filmcafé
The Filmcafé was an idea by Omar Waseq. He was traveling around with an open-air movie theater and was looking for a fixed location. It turned out that the CAB-building in Utrecht was a perfect fit. This building was a former bus repair station, and also houses the musical breeding ground dB’s. The Filmcafé is a movie theater which shows art-house movies, it has a café where you can play board games and listen to jazz music, and when the movie is finished the place is turned into a club where you can dance all night long. It is located at CAB-Rondom 90A in Utrecht, you can check the place here on Google maps.
Social involvement
The people who work there are young people who have difficulties finding a job. This can be because they do not have a diploma, work experience, and no current income. A lot of companies only hire people who have experience, a diploma, or great references. It can be really challenging to find a place that allows you to start with a clean slate, and the Filmcafé provides this place.
Movies and activities
The Filmcafé has two locations for their movies. Their main location is inside, but if the weather permits they also have outdoor movie screenings. The movies they show are mainly art-house movies, but there can also be documentaries or football games. Most movies are even for free.
Besides showing movies, you can do all sorts of activities at the Filmcafé. They have a comedy night, you can rollerskate, they have a vintage clothing sale and Bob Ross sessions. During these sessions, you all watch a short video of Bob Ross and make a painting yourself. At the end, everybody gets to smash up their painting.
At night, the Filmcafé turns into a nightclub. The music is a mix of soul, jazz, funk, disco, rock & roll and hip-hop. But a rave party or a live Latin music party is also one of the possibilities. When you enter the club space, it doesn’t look inviting at first glance. The ceiling is quite high, and it has a kind of factory look. But when the evening continues, and more people drop in, the atmosphere is much better. So if you are visiting and have initial doubts, you should at least stay until 2 or 3 AM (they close at 4 AM). If you would like to visit Utrecht and you’re not sure where to stay, you can check these 9 reasons why Airbnb is better than a hotel.
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